Resolution of Inheritance Disputes Through Non-Litigation in Kediri
Main Article Content
Islamic law regulates anyone who is included as an heir who is entitled to receive and who is unentitled to receive an inheritance, in fact, there are Muslims who distribute the inheritance outside Islamic law. Positive Law also regulates the inheritance distribution which is settled through the courts. This study focuses on three questions, first is how to resolve inheritance disputes out-of-court according to positive law. The second is how the inheritance distribution implementation out-of-court is applied in Kediri. This research type conducted is mixed-legal-research that combines between normative and empirical. Normatively, this study will describe inheritance law concepts based on various works of literature and empirically it is a case study whose data is obtained directly from the society as the main source and through the reality that occurs in the society. This research can be investigated through interviews, namely data obtained directly from informants where the tools used in this interview method are interview guidelines to facilitate extracting information needed in the case to be studied. The data that has been obtained will be processed through several stages and analyzed descriptively and qualitatively by analyzing the research results concept with a review of Islamic law and positive law that applies to the disputes and conclude the research output
Article Details
How to Cite
ARIFIN, Zainal; HANDAYANI, Emi Puasa.
Resolution of Inheritance Disputes Through Non-Litigation in Kediri.
UNISKA LAW REVIEW, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 251 - 261, feb. 2024.
ISSN 2774-5252.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 feb. 2025.
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Emi Puasa Handayani, Zainal Arifin, The application of the Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2016 regarding Mediation Procedures During the Covid 19 Pandemic. (Study at the Kediri Regency Religious Court), Adhaper, volume 6 No 2 July - December 2020,
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Fachrodin, The Inheritance Disputes settlement Out-of-Religious Courts (Case Study in Ngadi Village, Mojo District, Kediri Regency), Jurnal Inovasi, IAI Hasanudin, Pare Kediri, Volume 8, Number 1, February 2022
Huzaimah Al Anshori, Inheritance Law Practices in Petok Village, Mojo District, Kediri Regency From the perspective of Fiqh Mawaris, Jurnal Diversi, Volume 5 Number 1 April 2019
Ury Ayu Masitoh, Children from Siri Marriage as Heirs in Civil Law and Islamic Law perspective, Diversi Jurnal Volume 4 number 2, December 2018, Uniska Kediri.
3. Website:, The Village Head role in inheritance distribution implementation according to Javanese customary inheritance law: A study at Purworejo Village Office, Kandat District, Kediri Regency, Ramadiawan, Rizky., Fachrodin, The Inheritance Disputes settlement through Out-of-Religious Courts (Case Study in Ngadi Village, Mojo District, Kediri Regency) Fachrodin IAI Hasanuddin Pare, Kediri, Jurnal Inovasi, IAI Hasanudin, Pare, Volume, 8 Number: 1, February 2022,