Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The manuscript has not been previously published in another Journal.
- Manuscripts published in Uniska Law Review must be free from plagiarism. Manuscripts with more than 25% equality (except citations and references) will be rejected.
- File submission in Microsoft Word or RTF format.
- Manuscripts must comply with the stylistic and bibliographical requirements outlined in the Writing and Templates Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Article Structure
Uniska Law Review uses the general organizational structure (document format) of IMRAD (Introduction, Method, Result, and Discussion) in writing journal manuscripts. The IMRAD format has been adopted by an increasing number of academic journals since the first half of the 20th century. Our goal is to use the IMRAD format so that there is no arbitrary publication format but rather a direct reflection of the process of scientific discovery.
Provisions of the article
- The submitted manuscript is an original scientific work and does not contain elements of plagiarism.
- Manuscripts are written in English and with IMRAD format and with a minimum length of 25 pages and a maximum of 30 pages, A4 sized paper, Times New Roman typeface, font 12, and 1.5 spacing.
- Manuscripts are written in good and correct standard language.
- The manuscript is accompanied by the title of the article, the author's name, the author's institution, the address of the author's institution, the author's country, and the author's email.
- The title of the article must be specific and straightforward and formulated in a maximum of 12 words which comprehensively explain the contents of the article.
- The abstract is written clearly and completely, which describes the substance of the entire writing in English, with one paragraph, one space, Times New Roman typeface, 11 fonts, a maximum of 250 words and accompanied by keywords (The keywords chosen must reflect the concept contained in related articles 2-3 terms)
- The abstract consists of components (1). Ideas of legal issues, instead of writing down the background of the problem briefly, (2). Research objectives, (3). Research Method (simply state the type of research without the need to add other components and explain), (4). Research results (get more portions to explain).
- Every reference (whether sourced from books, laws and regulations, journals, magazines, newspapers, Online Media, and other data sources) cited in Uniska Law Review must automatically use Citations and Bibliography with The Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (Full Notes ) (We require authors to use Mendeley)
The order of writing footnotes consists of the author's name without an academic degree, the title (and if there are subtitles) the book is italicized, the print or edition (city of publication (colon), the name of the publisher, the year published and ends with the page where the source of the citation is located.
Sunarji Hartono, Kapita Selekta Perbandingan Hukum, (Bandung: Citra Aditya Bakti, 1988). Hlm. 7
Andrey Sujatmoko, Hukum HAM Dan Hukum Humaniter (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2015). Hlm. 65
Abdul Manan, Penerapan Hukum Acara Perdata Di Lingkungan Pradilan Agama (Jakarta: Prenada Media Group, 2005). Hlm. 9
Books (Written by two or three authors)
Wasman and Wardah Nuroniah, Hukum Perkawinan Islam Di Indonesia, Perbandingan Fikih Dan Hukum Positif (Yogyakarta: Teras, 2011). Hlm.5
Michael J. Trebilcock and Robert Howse, The Regulations of Internasional Trade Second Edition (London: Routledge, 1999). Hlm. 47
Sukaro Aburaera, Muhadar, and Maskun, Filsafat Hukum Teori Dan Praktik (Jakarta: Prenada Media Group, 2013). Hlm. 9
Author's name (as in a book), “text title between quotation marksâ€, magazine name (bold and italic), number, magazine year in Roman numerals (if any), month and year of publication, and page number quoted.
Oemar Soeno Adji, “Perkembangan Delik Khusus Dalam Masyarakat Yang Mengalami Moderenisasi,†Hukum Dan Pembangunan (Jakarta, 1987). Hlm. 98
Author's name (as in books), “title of writing between quotation marksâ€, name of the newspaper (bold and italic), year, and completed with pages.
Lim, “Sudah Tiba Waktunya Hukum Integentil Ditinggalkan Sebagai Mata Kuliah,†Kompas, 1979.hlm. 3
Author's name (as in the book), “title of writing between quotation marksâ€, (name of university), year, and completed with pages.
Heru Supratmo, “Masalah-masalah Peraturan-Peraturan Cek Serta Bilyet Giro Di Indonesia, Dalam Rangka mengembangkan Sistem Giralisai pembayaran,†(Universitas Airlangga, 1977). Hlm. 34
Santi Rahmawati, “Perbedaan Struktur Modal Perusahaan Multinasional Dan Perusahaan Domestik†(Universitas Indonesia, 2008). Hlm. 3
Citation of opinions or facts originating from journals, the order in which the identity is written is the name of the author and “title of writing with quotation marksâ€, (continued with the words: in) the name of the journal is italicized, the volume or edition, and the page where the source of the quote is.
Nandang Sutrisno, “Efektifitas Ketentuan-Ketentuan World Trade Organization Tentang Perlakuan Khusus Dan Berbeda Bagi Negara Berkembang: Implementasi Dalam Praktek Dan Dalam Penyelesaian Sengekta,†Jurnal Hukum Ius Quia Iustum 16, no. Edisi Khusus (2009). Hlm. 34
Syukri Hidayatullah, “Perbandingan Hukum Pengaturan Standardisasi Menurut Agreement TBT Dan Undang-Undang No.7 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perdagangan,†Arena Hukum 9, no. 2 (2016). Hlm. 3
National Court Decision
Footnotes to excerpts from the Court's Decision of Level I or Appeal, Cassation or Review, written by writing the word "Decision" followed by mentioning the court at which level the case was filed, the plaintiff, followed by the words "v." the defendant written in italics, followed by the case number followed by the page number referred to.
Putusan Pengadilan Niaga pada Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat dalam Tim Likuidasi PT Astria Raya Bank (dalam likuidasi) v. PT Asmawi Agung Corporation, Nomor 05/Pailit/2000/PN.Niaga/Jkt.Pst, hlm.7
Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia pada tingkat Kasasi dalam PT. Bank IFI v. Fadel Muhammad, Nomor 37 K/N/2001, hlm 19Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia pada tingkat Peninjauan Kembali dalam PT Bermis Sarana Wisma v. Duma Hutapea Kurator dan Pengurus PT Bernas Madu Sari, Nomor 011 PK/N/2003, hlm 13
International Agency Decisions
Footnotes for decisions of international bodies, for example, United Nations Resolutions, are written as: include the word "Resolution" followed by the organization that published it, followed by the number of the resolution, complete with the page number referred to.
Resolusi PBB No. G.A.Res.832, UNICEF, Sessi 9, Supp. No. 21. hlm 19
Foreign Court Judgments
Footnote for excerpts from the Foreign Court Decision, written by writing the parties in the case (name of the plaintiff followed by the letter "v." Name of the defendant), followed by mention of the court and the case number followed by the page number referred to.
Edwards Co. v. Long Island Trust Co., 75 Misc. 2d 739; 347 NYS 2d 898 (Sup. Ct. 1973), hlm 21
United States v. MacDonald, 531 F.2d 196,199-200 (4* Cir. 1976) (resting review of the dispositive issue on the principle of judicial economy, rev'd, 435 u.S 850, 1978. B.D. Int'l Discount Corp. v. Chase Manhattan Bank, 701 F.2d. 1071 (2d Cir.1983), hlm 112
Ben Franklin Retail Store Inc. et. al. v. Kendig, 225 B.R 646 (Bankr. NDIII. 1998), hlm 95
Online media
Footnotes for quotations from the internet are written by the author's name (if any), the URL address (the Uniform Resource Locator), or the address that appears in the internet address window, the article title is printed with quotation marks, and the date of access.
Example: detail.asp?id=13426&cl=Berita, "PKPU Kreditor: Tanpa Adanya Utang, Pemohon Tidak Punya Legal Standing," Akses 19 Agustus 2005
Hikmahanto Juwana, "Pailitnya Prudential, Harga Mahal Panasea IMF," dalam cetak/M05/19/opini/1029674.htm, Akses 19 Mei 2004
Footnotes for interview results are written by an interview with the name of the research subject or resource person, position, place of interview, and time of interview which includes the date, month, and year written in brackets.
Interview by Lauren Brook Eisen with Shane Spradlin, CEO, Nextel Communications, Potomac, Md, Mar. 2, 2000
Wawancara dengan Patricia Keane, chief ed., UCLA Law Review, di Los Angeles, California, 2 Maret 2000.