Open Access Statement
UNISKA LAW REVIEW provides direct open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports greater global exchange of knowledge.
Why Open Access?
Accelerated discovery. With open access, researchers can read and build on the findings of others without restrictions. Education improvement. Open Access means teachers and their students have access to the latest research findings around the world.
We engage and invest in research to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, drive innovation, enrich education, and stimulate the economy – to increase public goods. Communication of research results is an important component of the research process; research can only advance by sharing the results, and the value invested in research can only be maximized through the widespread use of the results.
The internet gives us the opportunity to convey this important information to a worldwide audience at an almost unlimited cost, and allows us to use it in new, innovative ways. This led to calls for new frameworks that would make research results more accessible and easy to use—calls for Open Access.
Effectively Managed Copyrights:
As a research paper author, you have the ability to ensure that your articles are accessible and used by the widest possible audience.
Local, National and International Open Access Policies: Institutions that support research, from public and private research funders to universities, can implement effective policies that support making Open Access to scientific research articles the default mode for their researchers.
Why Should You Care About Open Access?
Over the last decade, Open Access has become a hub for advancing the interests of researchers, scholars, students, business, and the public - as well as librarians. The digital environment poses new challenges and provides new opportunities in sharing, reviewing and publishing research results. Ensuring broad and unrestricted access to the knowledge contained in primary research articles and the right to use these articles to their fullest will play a key role in seeing that systems of scientific communication develop in ways that support the needs of scholars and academic endeavours as a whole. .