Diversi Jurnal Hukum adalah jurnal ilmiah berkala yang diterbitkan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Kadiri (UNISKA) Kediri pada tahun 2015 dengan kode ISSN (Cetak): 2503 - 4804 dan ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 dan kode DOI : 10,32503. Tujuan pembuatan Diversi Jurnal Hukum adalah sebagai sarana yang efektif untuk meningkatkan budaya penelitian bagi para akademisi atau praktisi hukum sesuai dengan standar nasional. Diversi Jurnal Hukum terbit rutin dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan April dan Desember dengan 8 artikel per nomor terbitan. Diversi Jurnal Hukum berfokus pada kajian permasalahan hukum di Indonesia dan internasional yang mencakup isu Hukum Perdata, Hukum Perusahaan dan Dagang, Kebijakan dan Hukum Peradilan Pidana, Hukum Tata Negara dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Hukum Tata Negara dan Pemerintahan, Hukum Lingkungan Hidup, Hukum Pertanahan, dan Properti, Hukum Kekayaan Intelektual dan Informasi, Hukum Internasional, Hukum Islam, Teori Hukum, Metodologi, Ideologi dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa dan Arbitrase (ADR). Berdasarkan pada Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia Nomor 225/E/KPT/2022 tentang Peringkat Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode III Tahun 2022 Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi, maka pada Tahun 2023 Diversi Jurnal Hukum menduduki peringkat III (Sinta-3) Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional.
Diversi Jurnal Hukum adalah jurnal ilmiah berkala yang diterbitkan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Kadiri (UNISKA) Kediri pada tahun 2015 dengan kode ISSN (Cetak): 2503 - 4804 dan ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 dan kode DOI : 10,32503. Tujuan pembuatan Diversi Jurnal Hukum adalah sebagai sarana yang efektif untuk meningkatkan budaya penelitian bagi para akademisi atau praktisi hukum sesuai dengan standar nasional. Diversi Jurnal Hukum terbit rutin dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan April dan Desember dengan 8 artikel per nomor terbitan. Diversi Jurnal Hukum berfokus pada kajian permasalahan hukum di Indonesia dan internasional yang mencakup isu Hukum Perdata, Hukum Perusahaan dan Dagang, Kebijakan dan Hukum Peradilan Pidana, Hukum Tata Negara dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Hukum Tata Negara dan Pemerintahan, Hukum Lingkungan Hidup, Hukum Pertanahan, dan Properti, Hukum Kekayaan Intelektual dan Informasi, Hukum Internasional, Hukum Islam, Teori Hukum, Metodologi, Ideologi dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa dan Arbitrase (ADR). Berdasarkan pada Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia Nomor 225/E/KPT/2022 tentang Peringkat Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode III Tahun 2022 Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi, maka pada Tahun 2023 Diversi Jurnal Hukum menduduki peringkat III (Sinta-3) Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional.
Diversi Jurnal Hukum adalah jurnal ilmiah berkala yang diterbitkan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Kadiri (UNISKA) Kediri pada tahun 2015 dengan kode ISSN (Cetak): 2503 - 4804 dan ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 dan kode DOI : 10,32503. Tujuan pembuatan Diversi Jurnal Hukum adalah sebagai sarana yang efektif untuk meningkatkan budaya penelitian bagi para akademisi atau praktisi hukum sesuai dengan standar nasional. Diversi Jurnal Hukum terbit rutin dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan April dan Desember dengan 8 artikel per nomor terbitan. Diversi Jurnal Hukum berfokus pada kajian permasalahan hukum di Indonesia dan internasional yang mencakup isu Hukum Perdata, Hukum Perusahaan dan Dagang, Kebijakan dan Hukum Peradilan Pidana, Hukum Tata Negara dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Hukum Tata Negara dan Pemerintahan, Hukum Lingkungan Hidup, Hukum Pertanahan, dan Properti, Hukum Kekayaan Intelektual dan Informasi, Hukum Internasional, Hukum Islam, Teori Hukum, Metodologi, Ideologi dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa dan Arbitrase (ADR). Berdasarkan pada Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia Nomor 225/E/KPT/2022 tentang Peringkat Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode III Tahun 2022 Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi, maka pada Tahun 2023 Diversi Jurnal Hukum menduduki peringkat III (Sinta-3) Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional.
Diversi Jurnal Hukum is a periodic scientific journal published by the Faculty of Law of the Islamic University of Kadiri (UNISKA) Kediri in 2015 with the ISSN code (Print): 2503 - 4804 and ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 and the DOI code: 10.32503. The aim of making the Diversi Jurnal Hukum is to be an effective means of improving the research culture for academics or legal practitioners in accordance with national quality standards. Diversi Jurnal Hukum is regularly published twice a year, namely in April and December with 8 articles per issue number. Diversi Jurnal Hukum focuses on studies of legal issues in Indonesia and internationally covering the main issues in Private Law, Corporate and Commercial Law, Criminal Justice Policy and Law, Constitutional Law and Human Rights, Administrative Law and Governance, Environmental Law, Land Law, and Property, Law of Intellectual Property and Information, International Law, Islamic Law, Legal Theory, Methodology, Ideology and Alternative Dispute Resolution and Arbitration (ADR).
Diversi Jurnal Hukum is a periodic scientific journal published by the Faculty of Law of the Islamic University of Kadiri (UNISKA) Kediri in 2015 with the ISSN code (Print): 2503 - 4804 and ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 and the DOI code: 10.32503. The aim of making the Diversi Jurnal Hukum is to be an effective means of improving the research culture for academics or legal practitioners in accordance with national quality standards. Diversi Jurnal Hukum is regularly published twice a year, namely in April and December with 8 articles per issue number. Diversi Jurnal Hukum focuses on studies of legal issues in Indonesia and internationally covering the main issues in Private Law, Corporate and Commercial Law, Criminal Justice Policy and Law, Constitutional Law and Human Rights, Administrative Law and Governance, Environmental Law, Land Law, and Property, Law of Intellectual Property and Information, International Law, Islamic Law, Legal Theory, Methodology, Ideology and Alternative Dispute Resolution and Arbitration (ADR).
Diversi Jurnal Hukum is a periodic scientific journal published by the Faculty of Law of the Islamic University of Kadiri (UNISKA) Kediri in 2015 with the ISSN code (Print): 2503 - 4804 and ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 and the DOI code: 10.32503. The aim of making the Diversi Jurnal Hukum is to be an effective means of improving the research culture for academics or legal practitioners in accordance with national quality standards. Diversi Jurnal Hukum is regularly published twice a year, namely in April and December with 5 articles per issue number. Diversi Jurnal Hukum focuses on studies of legal issues in Indonesia and internationally covering the main issues in Private Law, Corporate and Commercial Law, Criminal Justice Policy and Law, Constitutional Law and Human Rights, Administrative Law and Governance, Environmental Law, Land Law, and Property, Law of Intellectual Property and Information, International Law, Islamic Law, Legal Theory, Methodology, Ideology and Alternative Dispute Resolution and Arbitration (ADR).
Diversi Jurnal Hukum adalah Jurnal ilmiah berkala yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Kadiri (UNISKA) Kediri pada tahun 2015 dengan kode ISSN (Cetak) : 2503 – 4804 dan ISSN (Online) : 2614 – 5936 serta kode DOI : 10.32503. Tujuan dibuatnya Diversi Jurnal Hukum adalah untuk dapat menjadi sarana yang efektif dalam meningkatkan budaya penelitian bagi akademisi atau praktisi hukum sesuai dengan standar kualitas nasional. Diversi Jurnal Hukum secara rutin diterbitkan dua kali dalam satu tahun, yaitu pada bulan April dan Desember dengan 5 artikel per nomor terbitan. Diversi Jurnal Hukum memfokuskan kajian pada isu-isu hukum di Indonesia dan internasional mencakup isu-isu pokok dalam Hukum Perdata, Hukum Pidana, Hukum Acara Perdata, Hukum Acara Pidana, Hukum Perdagangan, Hukum dan HAM, Hukum Konstitusi, Hukum Internasional, Hukum Administrasi Negara, Hukum Adat, Hukum Islam, Hukum Agraria serta Hukum Lingkungan. Dalam proses peninjauan, Dewan Editorial dengan hati-hati mempertimbangkan semua artikel yang masuk, proses seleksi kami memiliki banyak langkah, setiap bagian ditinjau dari aspek penulisan serta substansi yang terkait dengan kualitas dan relevansi konten, hingga artikel siap untuk diserahkan kepada reviewer yang telah ditunjuk oleh Dewan Editorial. Meskipun kami berusaha untuk menghormati permintaan untuk peninjauan singkat, tetapi kami tidak dapat menghapus salah satu tahap peninjauan kami untuk menanggapi permintaan tersebut. Saat meminta ulasan yang dipercepat, harap dipahami bahwa proses seleksi kami membutuhkan waktu. Tidak ada waktu terbaik untuk mengirimkan artikel. Kami mendorong para kontributor untuk mengirimkan artikel segera setelah mereka siap. Sebagai masalah kebijakan, kami tidak membahas alasan untuk keputusan publikasi kami.
Diversi Jurnal Hukum adalah Jurnal ilmiah berkala yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Kadiri (UNISKA) Kediri pada tahun 2015 dengan kode ISSN (Cetak) : 2503 – 4804 dan ISSN (Online) : 2614 – 5936 serta kode DOI : 10.32503. Tujuan dibuatnya Diversi Jurnal Hukum adalah untuk dapat menjadi sarana yang efektif dalam meningkatkan budaya penelitian bagi akademisi atau praktisi hukum sesuai dengan standar kualitas nasional. Diversi Jurnal Hukum secara rutin diterbitkan dua kali dalam satu tahun, yaitu pada bulan April dan Desember dengan 5 artikel per nomor terbitan. Diversi Jurnal Hukum memfokuskan kajian pada isu-isu hukum di Indonesia dan internasional mencakup isu-isu pokok dalam Hukum Perdata, Hukum Pidana, Hukum Acara Perdata, Hukum Acara Pidana, Hukum Perdagangan, Hukum dan HAM, Hukum Konstitusi, Hukum Internasional, Hukum Administrasi Negara, Hukum Adat, Hukum Islam, Hukum Agraria serta Hukum Lingkungan. Dalam proses peninjauan, Dewan Editorial dengan hati-hati mempertimbangkan semua artikel yang masuk, proses seleksi kami memiliki banyak langkah, setiap bagian ditinjau dari aspek penulisan serta substansi yang terkait dengan kualitas dan relevansi konten, hingga artikel siap untuk diserahkan kepada reviewer yang telah ditunjuk oleh Dewan Editorial. Meskipun kami berusaha untuk menghormati permintaan untuk peninjauan singkat, tetapi kami tidak dapat menghapus salah satu tahap peninjauan kami untuk menanggapi permintaan tersebut. Saat meminta ulasan yang dipercepat, harap dipahami bahwa proses seleksi kami membutuhkan waktu. Tidak ada waktu terbaik untuk mengirimkan artikel. Kami mendorong para kontributor untuk mengirimkan artikel segera setelah mereka siap. Sebagai masalah kebijakan, kami tidak membahas alasan untuk keputusan publikasi kami.
Diversi Jurnal Hukum is a periodic scientific journal published by Law Faculty Kadiri Islamic University (UNISKA) Kediri in 2015 with P-ISSN code (Print): 2503 - 4804 and E-ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 and DOI: 10.32503. The purpose this journal is to become a means effective in improving the research culture for academics or law practitioners in line with national quality standard. Diversi Jurnal Hukum published twice a year, in April and December by using two authors from home base and three authors of outside home base. Diversi Jurnal Hukum focuses on national and international legal issues covered key issues in Civil Law, Criminal Law, Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative State Law, Custom Law, Islamic Law, Agrarian Law, Environmental Law, International Law. In the review process, the Editorial Board carefully considers all the articles that come in, our selection process has many steps, each part in terms of aspects of writing and substance related to the quality and relevance of content and content, until the article is ready for submitted to reviewers who have been chosen by the Editorial Board. Although attempting to respect the request for a brief review still cannot be deleted, one of our review stages is for respond to the request. When requesting an expedited review, please understand that our selection process takes time. No certain time to submit articles. We encourage authors to submit articles as soon as they are ready. As a matter of policy, we do not discuss the reasons for our publication's decisions.
Diversi Jurnal Hukum is a periodic scientific journal published by Law Faculty Kadiri Islamic University (UNISKA) Kediri in 2015 with P-ISSN code (Print): 2503 - 4804 and E-ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 and DOI: 10.32503. The purpose this journal is to become a means effective in improving the research culture for academics or law practitioners in line with national quality standard. Diversi Jurnal Hukum published twice a year, in April and December by using two authors from home base and three authors of outside home base. Diversi Jurnal Hukum focuses on national and international legal issues covered key issues in Civil Law, Criminal Law, Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative State Law, Custom Law, Islamic Law, Agrarian Law, Environmental Law, International Law. In the review process, the Editorial Board carefully considers all the articles that come in, our selection process has many steps, each part in terms of aspects of writing and substance related to the quality and relevance of content and content, until the article is ready for submitted to reviewers who have been chosen by the Editorial Board. Although attempting to respect the request for a brief review still cannot be deleted, one of our review stages is for respond to the request. When requesting an expedited review, please understand that our selection process takes time. No certain time to submit articles. We encourage authors to submit articles as soon as they are ready. As a matter of policy, we do not discuss the reasons for our publication's decisions.
Diversi Jurnal Hukum is a periodic scientific journal published by Law Faculty Kadiri Islamic University (UNISKA) Kediri in 2015 with P-ISSN code (Print): 2503 - 4804 and E-ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 and DOI: 10.32503. The purpose this journal is to become a means effective in improving the research culture for academics or law practitioners in line with national quality standard. Diversi Jurnal Hukum published twice a year, in April and December by using two authors from home base and three authors of outside home base. Diversi Jurnal Hukum focuses on national and international legal issues covered key issues in Civil Law, Criminal Law, Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative State Law, Custom Law, Islamic Law, Agrarian Law, Environmental Law, International Law. In the review process, the Editorial Board carefully considers all the articles that come in, our selection process has many steps, each part in terms of aspects of writing and substance related to the quality and relevance of content and content, until the article is ready for submitted to reviewers who have been chosen by the Editorial Board. Although attempting to respect the request for a brief review still cannot be deleted, one of our review stages is for respond to the request. When requesting an expedited review, please understand that our selection process takes time. No certain time to submit articles. We encourage authors to submit articles as soon as they are ready. As a matter of policy, we do not discuss the reasons for our publication's decisions.
Diversi Jurnal Hukum is a periodic scientific journal published by Law Faculty Kadiri Islamic University (UNISKA) Kediri in 2015 with P-ISSN code (Print): 2503 - 4804 and E-ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 and DOI: 10.32503. The purpose this journal is to become a means effective in improving the research culture for academics or law practitioners in line with national quality standard. Diversi Jurnal Hukum published twice a year, in April and December by using two authors from home base and three authors of outside home base. Diversi Jurnal Hukum focuses on national and international legal issues covered key issues in Civil Law, Criminal Law, Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative State Law, Custom Law, Islamic Law, Agrarian Law, Environmental Law, International Law. In the review process, the Editorial Board carefully considers all the articles that come in, our selection process has many steps, each part in terms of aspects of writing and substance related to the quality and relevance of content and content, until the article is ready for submitted to reviewers who have been chosen by the Editorial Board. Although attempting to respect the request for a brief review still cannot be deleted, one of our review stages is for respond to the request. When requesting an expedited review, please understand that our selection process takes time. No certain time to submit articles. We encourage authors to submit articles as soon as they are ready. As a matter of policy, we do not discuss the reasons for our publication's decisions.
Diversi Jurnal Hukum is a periodic scientific journal published by Law Faculty Kadiri Islamic University (UNISKA) Kediri in 2015 with P-ISSN code (Print): 2503 - 4804 and E-ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 and DOI: 10.32503. The purpose this journal is to become a means effective in improving the research culture for academics or law practitioners in line with national quality standard. Diversi Jurnal Hukum published twice a year, in April and December by using two authors from home base and three authors of outside home base. Diversi Jurnal Hukum focuses on national and international legal issues covered key issues in Civil Law, Criminal Law, Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative State Law, Custom Law, Islamic Law, Agrarian Law, Environmental Law, International Law. In the review process, the Editorial Board carefully considers all the articles that come in, our selection process has many steps, each part in terms of aspects of writing and substance related to the quality and relevance of content and content, until the article is ready for submitted to reviewers who have been chosen by the Editorial Board. Although attempting to respect the request for a brief review still cannot be deleted, one of our review stages is for respond to the request. When requesting an expedited review, please understand that our selection process takes time. No certain time to submit articles. We encourage authors to submit articles as soon as they are ready. As a matter of policy, we do not discuss the reasons for our publication's decisions.
Diversi Jurnal Hukum is a periodic scientific journal published by Law Faculty Kadiri Islamic University (UNISKA) Kediri in 2015 with P-ISSN code (Print): 2503 - 4804 and E-ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 and DOI: 10.32503. The purpose this journal is to become a means effective in improving the research culture for academics or law practitioners in line with national quality standard. Diversi Jurnal Hukum published twice a year, in April and December by using two authors from home base and three authors of outside home base. Diversi Jurnal Hukum focuses on national and international legal issues covered key issues in Civil Law, Criminal Law, Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative State Law, Custom Law, Islamic Law, Agrarian Law, Environmental Law, International Law. In the review process, the Editorial Board carefully considers all the articles that come in, our selection process has many steps, each part in terms of aspects of writing and substance related to the quality and relevance of content and content, until the article is ready for submitted to reviewers who have been chosen by the Editorial Board. Although attempting to respect the request for a brief review still cannot be deleted, one of our review stages is for respond to the request. When requesting an expedited review, please understand that our selection process takes time. No certain time to submit articles. We encourage authors to submit articles as soon as they are ready. As a matter of policy, we do not discuss the reasons for our publication's decisions.
Diversi Jurnal Hukum is a periodic scientific journal published by Law Faculty Kadiri Islamic University (UNISKA) Kediri in 2015 with P-ISSN code (Print): 2503 - 4804 and E-ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 and DOI: 10.32503. The purpose this journal is to become a means effective in improving the research culture for academics or law practitioners in line with national quality standard. Diversi Jurnal Hukum published twice a year, in April and December by using two authors from home base and three authors of outside home base. Diversi Jurnal Hukum focuses on national and international legal issues covered key issues in Civil Law, Criminal Law, Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative State Law, Custom Law, Islamic Law, Agrarian Law, Environmental Law, International Law. In the review process, the Editorial Board carefully considers all the articles that come in, our selection process has many steps, each part in terms of aspects of writing and substance related to the quality and relevance of content and content, until the article is ready for submitted to reviewers who have been chosen by the Editorial Board. Although attempting to respect the request for a brief review still cannot be deleted, one of our review stages is for respond to the request. When requesting an expedited review, please understand that our selection process takes time. No certain time to submit articles. We encourage authors to submit articles as soon as they are ready. As a matter of policy, we do not discuss the reasons for our publication's decisions.
Diversi Jurnal Hukum is a periodic scientific journal published by Law Faculty Kadiri Islamic University (UNISKA) Kediri in 2015 with P-ISSN code (Print): 2503 - 4804 and E-ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 and DOI: 10.32503. The purpose this journal is to become a means effective in improving the research culture for academics or law practitioners in line with national quality standard. Diversi Jurnal Hukum published twice a year, in April and December by using two authors from home base and three authors of outside home base. Diversi Jurnal Hukum focuses on national and international legal issues covered key issues in Civil Law, Criminal Law, Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative State Law, Custom Law, Islamic Law, Agrarian Law, Environmental Law, International Law. In the review process, the Editorial Board carefully considers all the articles that come in, our selection process has many steps, each part in terms of aspects of writing and substance related to the quality and relevance of content and content, until the article is ready for submitted to reviewers who have been chosen by the Editorial Board. Although attempting to respect the request for a brief review still cannot be deleted, one of our review stages is for respond to the request. When requesting an expedited review, please understand that our selection process takes time. No certain time to submit articles. We encourage authors to submit articles as soon as they are ready. As a matter of policy, we do not discuss the reasons for our publication's decisions.
Diversi Jurnal Hukum is a periodic scientific journal published by Law Faculty Kadiri Islamic University (UNISKA) Kediri in 2015 with P-ISSN code (Print): 2503 - 4804 and E-ISSN (Online): 2614 - 5936 and DOI: 10.32503. The purpose this journal is to become a means effective in improving the research culture for academics or law practitioners in line with national quality standard. Diversi Jurnal Hukum published twice a year, in April and December by using two authors from home base and three authors of outside home base. Diversi Jurnal Hukum focuses on national and international legal issues covered key issues in Civil Law, Criminal Law, Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative State Law, Custom Law, Islamic Law, Agrarian Law, Environmental Law, International Law. In the review process, the Editorial Board carefully considers all the articles that come in, our selection process has many steps, each part in terms of aspects of writing and substance related to the quality and relevance of content and content, until the article is ready for submitted to reviewers who have been chosen by the Editorial Board. Although attempting to respect the request for a brief review still cannot be deleted, one of our review stages is for respond to the request. When requesting an expedited review, please understand that our selection process takes time. No certain time to submit articles. We encourage authors to submit articles as soon as they are ready. As a matter of policy, we do not discuss the reasons for our publication's decisions.