Analisis Rasio Likuiditas, Rentabilitas dan Solvabilitas Untuk Mengukur Kinerja Keuangan

  • Mohamad Syaikhul Kafi Universitas Islam Kadiri


Analytical tools that we can use is the solvency ratio, liquidity ratio, activity ratio and profitability. The problem is formulated as follows: 1) how is the financial performance of PT Unilever Indonesia viewed from the overall liquidity level?; 2) how is the financial performance of PT Unilever Indonesia viewed from the overall solvency level?; 3) how is the financial performance of PT Unilever Indonesia viewed from the level of the overall earning ratios?. Research results can be disimpulan that: 1) based on the ratio of liquidity from the year 2014 to 2016 year existence of the tendency of decrease of yield ratio i.e. current ratio years 2015 of 452.70% down to 402.06% in 2016 while at the cash ratio there is an increase of 14.99% in 2015 be 22.09% year 2016 indicate that firms can still cope with debt lancarnya. 2) developments of PT. Unilever Indonesia from the year 2015 of 36.01% until the year 2016 becomes 29.45% based on solvency ratio unstable means company's ability in covering debt-debt experience up and down; 3) based on the ratio of the activity of the Total Asset Turn Over experience decreased performance; 4) based on the ratio–the ratio of the profitability of the company's performance in gaining profit increase either on the ratio of Return On Equity (ROE) in 2015 gained ratio 1.04% to 3.12% in 2016 while the Return On Investment (ROI) up from 0.681% in 2015 be 2.23% in 2016.

How to Cite
KAFI, Mohamad Syaikhul. Analisis Rasio Likuiditas, Rentabilitas dan Solvabilitas Untuk Mengukur Kinerja Keuangan. JMK (Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan), [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 49-60, june 2018. ISSN 2656-0771. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi:
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