Prospek Praktik Mikro Inkubator “Entrepreneur Passion” dalam Membina Wirausahawan Pelajar (Milenialpreneur)

  • Vembri Aulia Rahmi university of muhammadiyah gresik


In general, business incubators are created to provide space and facilities, especially for new entrepreneurs pioneering or running a business. Its existence was first initiated by universities so that it is expected to be able to build a sustainable and beneficial business ecosystem for end-users as business stakeholders. During this time the practice of incubators business is carried out in the form of programs or projects for a certain period from the beginning of the registration selection until participants reach the level of business creation, namely by students. While this research was conducted to explore how the implementation of business incubator programs that occur in high schools, even though the type of business incubator is a micro-level business incubator or can be called a business incubator simulation practice. The study was conducted at one of the Private High Schools in Indonesia. By using a qualitative descriptive analysis approach through data collection and interviews with teachers and students, especially for those who are involved in extra activities outside school hours "Entrepreneurship Passion". The results of the study illustrate that the implementation of micro-business incubator practices in schools still shows suboptimal results, which are only able to increase student entrepreneurial interest and have not been able to print a sustainable entrepreneur, so it requires the development of certain curricula that are capable of printing millennial entrepreneurs. The research findings indicate a weakness in the method of implementing the "Entrepreneurship Passion" activity as a means to foster student entrepreneurship seeds at school.

How to Cite
RAHMI, Vembri Aulia. Prospek Praktik Mikro Inkubator “Entrepreneur Passion†dalam Membina Wirausahawan Pelajar (Milenialpreneur). JMK (Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan), [S.l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. 217-227, sep. 2020. ISSN 2656-0771. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi:
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