The Effectiveness of Writing Journal and Feedback on Increasing Writing Proficiency at University Students

  • Ninik Farikha Universitas Islam Kadiri Kediri


The practice of giving feedback in teaching and learning process seems to be unclear.
Unclear is an inconsistent feedback given by the teacher during teaching learning process. Teacher
rarely gave the evaluation because giving feedback will be time-consuming. Teacher used students‟
task sheet instantly. Teachers need to check the students‟ work and give the feedback to students‟
task. This way makes students aware that something “wrong†appears and they need to consider it
to their improvement. This study intends to investigate the difference between students‟
achievement in writing proficiency who are taught by using writing journal technique and given
feedback and those who are not. The research design used in this research was quasi experimental
design. Experimental design is the conceptual outline in doing experiment. In this experimental
design, the researcher used two English Program classes of IAIN Kediri. First class was
experimental class which is treated using writing journal and giving feedback while the second class
was control class which is not treated using writing journal and giving feedback. The results
revealed that using writing journal technique in learning was effective to increase the students‟
writing ability. It was good technique to improve students‟ ability in writing proficiency.

How to Cite
FARIKHA, Ninik. The Effectiveness of Writing Journal and Feedback on Increasing Writing Proficiency at University Students. EDUCATION AND LINGUISTICS KNOWLEDGE JOURNAL, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 20-48, mar. 2020. ISSN 2686-1860. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 feb. 2025. doi: