Analisis Pembinaan Dan Pengawasan Terhadap Kinerja Proyek Konstruksi (Studi Kasus Pembangunan Spillway Bendungan Tugu Di Kabupaten Trenggalek)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of coaching and supervision on the performance of a construction project (a case study of the Tugu Dam Spillway Development in Trenggalek Regency) simultaneously or partially. The population in this study were 160 employees in the construction of the Tugu Dam Spillway in Trenggalek Regency. The sample used in this study was 100 respondents. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that coaching and supervision had an effect on the performance of construction projects (Case Study of Tugu Dam Spillway Development in Trenggalek Regency) simultaneously, Coaching had an effect on the Performance of Construction Projects (Case Study of Tugu Dam Spillway Development in Trenggalek Regency) partially and Supervision had an effect on Performance Partial Construction Project (Case Study of Tugu Dam Spillway Development in Trenggalek Regency)
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