Manfaat Tanaman Bougenvillea sebagai Apotik Hidup

  • Dian Meliantari Universitas Dian Nusantara


The yard of a residence is usually always decorated with plants, be it ornamental plants, fruit plants, as well as other plants. We are certainly familiar with seeing a beautiful home yard filled with ornamental plants. In this community service highlights the benefits of Bougenvillea flowers, which turned out to have many uses. Bougenvillea flowers apart from being ornamental plants are also useful as medicinal plants, so they can be used as live dispensary plants. Counseling is intended to increase knowledge for the public about other benefits of Bougenvillea flowers as medicinal plants that have not been known and used. Some of the benefits include as a drug for insulin resistance, treating prickly heat, ulcers, coughs, hepatitis, menstrual pain, late menstruation, lowering cholesterol and various other benefits. Participants also learned about how to cultivate it and finally distributed Bougenvillea plants to participants to plant in the yard as a living dispensary.


How to Cite
MELIANTARI, Dian. Manfaat Tanaman Bougenvillea sebagai Apotik Hidup. JIA (Jurnal Implementasi Abdimas), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 17-22, nov. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.