Pemanfaatan Limbah Kotoran Sapi Menjadi Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) di Desa Geneng, Dukuh Kemloko, Blora

  • Mulianajillaniatus Sofi'ah . College


Geneng Village is a village located in Jepon District, Blora Regency. Most of the people of Geneng Village have a profession as farmers and raise cows in their homes to be used as assets in the future. The main commodities in agriculture are corn and rice, but cattle waste cannot be utilized properly, causing accumulation of manure and causing pollution to the surrounding environment. Therefore, the ability to process cow manure waste into liquid organic fertilizer is needed through a socialization process and the practice of making liquid organic fertilizer together which is expected to solve the problems that exist in Geneng Village. The manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer is carried out through an anaerobic process with the basic ingredients of cow dung mixed with EM4, molasses, bran and water. Liquid organic fertilizer produced through this process produces a liquid fertilizer solution containing nutrients that are completely true liquid form and more stable. The manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer from cow dung is expected to have an impact both directly and indirectly.


How to Cite
., Mulianajillaniatus Sofi'ah. Pemanfaatan Limbah Kotoran Sapi Menjadi Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) di Desa Geneng, Dukuh Kemloko, Blora. JIA (Jurnal Implementasi Abdimas), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 53-60, nov. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 feb. 2025.