This study aims to determine the income of the tarpaulin pond gourami fish farming business, determine the feasibility of the tarpaulin pond gourami fish farming business, and determine the amount of break even point value in the tarpaulin pond gourami fish farming business in Butuh Village. This research was conducted from December 2023 to January 2024 which was located in Butuh Village, Kras District, Kediri Regency. The data collection method in this study used the Purposive Sampling technique which was carried out by taking samples from the population based on certain criteria, and using the Saturated Sample technique where the sample determination technique if all members of the population were used as samples if the respondents were less than 50 people. The data analysis method used in this study is such as the analysis method of Income and Revenue Analysis, R/C Ratio Analysis, Break Event Point (BEP). The results of the study showed that the income obtained by gourami fish farming farmers in Butuh Village, Kras District, Kediri Regency was Rp. 7,119,203, The business of raising gourami fish in the village needs to have an R/C Ratio of 1.2 which is declared feasible to be developed, if the cost increases by 1 rupiah then the income will increase by 1.2 and show a BEP Rupiah result of Rp. 10,597,255 and a BEP Unit of 378 units.
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