• Norbertus Citra Irawan Tunas Pembangunan University, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Viola Rahmana Putri Undergraduate Student, Agribusiness Department, Tunas Pembangunan University, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Mahananto Mahananto Tunas Pembangunan University, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Kusriani Prasetyowati Tunas Pembangunan University, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Tamalia Azzahra Wahyuningtyas Undergraduate Student, Agribusiness Department, Tunas Pembangunan University, Surakarta, Indonesia


This research aims to explore the perceptions of oil palm plantation workers regarding work ethic factors that influence work productivity and to analyze the possibility of implementing the People-Centered Implementation (PCI)-Gaps approach to overcome these problems. Although there is a lot of research on work productivity factors, no studies specifically focus on the perceptions of oil palm plantation workers. The research question focuses on workers' perceptions of work ethic factors and PCI-Gaps' use in analyzing change strategies and their impact on work productivity. This research is important because the success of oil palm plantations depends on labor productivity. The research methods include quantitative, qualitative, and descriptive approaches, with research locations determined purposively. Data was collected through surveys, interviews, and observations of 60 selected respondents through snowball random sampling. The research results show that high negative perceptions are related to laziness, inability to manage time, lack of discipline, inability to focus, and inability to work in a team. Change strategies such as building a culture of cooperation, teamwork, and communication training and creating a work environment that supports concentration and character development received a positive response. In contrast, efforts such as increasing involvement through reward and recognition programs, enforcing rules and sanctions, and developing focus and concentration training programs received negative responses.


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How to Cite
IRAWAN, Norbertus Citra et al. STRATEGI PERUBAHAN ETOS KERJA DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIVITAS KERJA BURUH PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT: PENDEKATAN PEOPLE CENTERED IMPLEMENTATION (PCI)-GAPS. Jurnal Agribisnis Cendekia, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 67-80, july 2024. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 feb. 2025.