• Ulun Na'im


This study aims to: (1) know and analyze the effect of organizational climate on performance of employees at Tax Office Kediri; (2) to know and analyze the influence of work morale on the performance of employees of Tax Office Primary Kediri; (3) to know and analyze the influence of work ability on the performance of the employees at Tax Office Kediri; (4) to know and analyze the influence of organizational climate, work spirit and work ability simultaneously on the performance of employees at Tax Office Kediri.

This research was conducted at at Tax Office Kediri in Brawijaya Street 6th , Kediri. Implementation of the research started from March 2017 to May 2017. Respondents in the study were all employees who amounted to 85 people.

The results showed that: (1) Together organizational climate factors, morale and work ability have a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees at Tax Office Kediri; (2) From the regression analysis on the influence of individual variables, it can be seen that organizational climate, work morale and work ability have a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees at Tax Office Kediri, as evidenced by the value of regression coefficient and t- Each larger than t-table; (3) Job competency factors have a dominant contribution in influencing employee performance.

Author Biography

Ulun Na'im

This research aims to: (1) to know the influence of variable of Religiusity Level and work motivation to employee's performance at PT Citra Indojaya Perkasa Branch Kediri, and (2) to know the dominant influence among variable of Religiusity Level and work motivation to employee performance at PT Citra Indojaya Perkasa Kediri Branch. Object in this research is employees of PT Citra Indojaya Perkasa Branch of Kediri with sample number 53 employees.

The results of this study are: (1) the validity of this research is valid, (2) from the reliability test, the questionnaire has been distributed and filled the respondents are good and reliable, (3) from multiple linear regression test in the religiosity level And motivation of work have a positive effect on employee performance improvement, (4) work motivation variable more dominantly have positive and significant influence compared to level of religiosity to employee performance.

How to Cite
NA'IM, Ulun. PENGARUH IKLIM ORGANISASI, SEMANGAT KERJA, DAN KEMAMPUAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI KANTOR PELAYANAN PAJAK PRATAMA KEDIRI. REVITALISASI : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 4, p. 39-49, mar. 2019. ISSN 2657-1684. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 30 mar. 2025. doi: